Archives for Baby Boomers

Consumers Will Trade Personal Info for Deals

In a new study from Fierce Retail, 60% of shoppers said they are comfortable giving out personal information, anonymously, to their favorite stores, in order to receive benefits and rewards.  The majority, or 56%, said they would give the same information to brands, while just under half of respondents, 46%, would also give the information…

Trying to Understand Millennials

The biggest buying group, Millennials, are proving to be less predictable than their Baby Boomer parents.  They change habits and preferences as new opportunities present themselves.  They have conflicting interests – sustainability and convenience.  This is due, in part, because they are the most diverse generation we have seen.  Millennials cannot easily be described, but…

3. Changing Consumers: Catering Across Generations

For the first time, four generations are active simultaneously in the US marketplace; leading to a more diverse market.  Baby Boomers and their children, called Generation Y or Millennials, compose the largest two generations and wield the largest spending power.  While these two generations are similar in size, their shopping behavior, use of technology, and…