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From The Blog

Walmart’s Free Pickup Service Continues to Grow
Startups, retailers, and grocery giants alike, everyone is taking a stab at entering the realm of delivery to bring their products to the consumer rather…

Whole Foods, Instacart Ink Multi-Year Delivery and Investment Agreement
According to tech news site Re/code, Whole Foods and Instacart have signed a new partnership agreement that solidifies the courier service as the exclusive delivery…

From Exotic to Commonplace – Nutritional Alternatives to Time-Tested Products
When many of us were children, we ate snack bars that came in three flavors and were over the moon when the standard cereal bar…

Preventing Driver Fatigue thru Wearable Technology
Almost 4,000 people were killed and 95,000 were injured in Large Truck accidents in 2013, reports The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the latest year…

Get What You Need in a Dash
Amazon announced an expansion of its Dash replenishment system this week, forming partnerships with manufacturers of printers to pet food dispensers. Dash buttons were launched…

UPC Alternative? Digital Watermarks
The UPC is getting a makeover. Digimarc Corp. has partnered with GS1, the company that oversees UPCs, to bring unique digital identifiers to product packaging.…

Campbell’s Will Disclose GMO’s
Campbell’s CEO Denise Morrison announced this week that her company will identify the presence of genetically engineered ingredients in its products. This decision was brought…

Samsung’s Smart Refrigerator Wants to Order Your Groceries
Your tablet just just got a lot bigger. Samsung unveiled it’s newest Smart Refrigerator, and the right refrigerator door is composed of a giant Gorilla…